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Tips on Having a Healthy Postpartum

Tips on How to Have a Healthy Postpartum

It's important to remember that you're very busy with a newborn and not getting full rest. Realize that taking care of your baby and yourself is more important than trying to do it all. By putting together some preparations, you can lessen your stress and focus more on what's important: your new family!

  • Premade meals: By either allowing family and friends to come by and drop off meals, meal prepping in advance yourself, or by hiring a company to deliver meals, you can take off the stress of having to worry about what is for dinner.

  • Grocery shopping: Many stores now offer online services for a small fee! You can shop on the website and purchase groceries online. When you drive to the store, someone will come out and bring it to your car.

  • Hiring a cleaning service: If it's in the budget, hiring a maid to come in is very helpful with keeping up with the house. Also, allow friends and family that offer to come by and do laundry or dishes to help you catch up.

  • If you are planning to nurse, find support prior to birth to foster success: Attend a local La Leche League meeting, meet with a lactation consultant, or visit the lactation center at Kennestone Hospital.

  • Sleep when the baby sleeps: You are probably not getting a full nights rest. The best thing to do is sleep when the baby sleeps. This allows your body the ability to heal and catch up on your sleep. It is not you being lazy. If you are finding night time to be extremely hard, you can also consider hiring a night nanny.

  • You will get lots of advice- not all of it is helpful: You will read advice on blogs and in books. Your healthcare provider will offer their thoughts. Friends and family will tell you old wives tales, superstitions, and their own advice. Remember that not every baby is the same, and not every family is the same. What works for a friend's baby might not work for your baby. If you read or hear advice that doesn't seem to make you comfortable, it's okay to question it and do more research.

  • Journal: Writing down thoughts can be a very helpful tool. It can help you reflect on feelings you're having. It can help you remember small moments during this sleep deprived time. It can help you focus your thoughts and set small goals. You can also document all the firsts and create a future letter for your child to read. You will be amazed to go back and see what all you did during your child's first year!

  • Don't compare! Your journey is YOUR journey. Especially in this age of social media, it's easy to compare your postpartum experience against others. From how your body looks, to keeping house, to your baby's milestones...don't get caught up in the comparison game. It just robs you from enjoying the moments that you have. Get off social media if you have to. Only surround yourself with people who support, not put down, your mothering abilities. Focus on the journey that YOU are on, not anyone else.

  • Join a new mom's group. Finding a group of moms who are going through the same thing can be invaluable. Plus, it helps set up life long friendships!

What else would you add to this list? Leave a comment below!

photo credit: Andre Adjahoe

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