Placenta Services of West Cobb LLC
Serving all of Bartow, Cherokee, Cobb, Douglas, North Fulton, Paulding, and Polk Counties!

Did you get certified?
Yes! Allison received her certification with Association of Placenta Preparation Arts! After attending a hands on workshop, she decided to further her education by enrolling with APPA. Considered the “Bachelor’s Degree in Placenta Arts”, APPA is the most comprehensive placenta preparation training available. APPA elevates the standards for safety and ethics in placenta encapsulation education by combining time-honored traditions with scientific fact. In addition to being current with her certification with APPA, she has also completed a blood borne pathogens course through Biologix (which is OSHA certified and specifically designed for placenta encapsulation specialists), holds a Georgia Food Handler Certificate, and is certified in First Aid/CPR.
Sara is a RN (Registered Nurse) with many years experience in both the hospital setting and home hospice. She completed the IPPA program in 2019. She also completed a blood borne pathogens course through Biologix (which is OSHA certified and specifically designed for placenta encapsulation specialists), holds a Georgia Food Handler Certificate, and is certified in First Aid/CPR.
We are not Doulas, and focus solely on placenta encapsulation! Placenta Encapsulation is NOT a regulated business in America. Anyone can claim to be a placenta encapsulation specialist because they watched a YouTube video. Many times these people are not using safe practices when handling a placenta and/or cleaning and sanitizing their equipment incorrectly. We are holding the highest of standards by being trained and graduating from an organization that is current on all safety standards and placenta research. We have also gone above and beyond by completing a blood borne pathogens course, holding a Georgia Food Handler Certificate, and by being certified in First Aid/ CPR.
We have been in business since 2016 and have processed over 300 placentas between the two of us. We work with many doulas, midwives, lactation consultants, and OB-GYN doctors in the area. If you need a referral, we are happy to help you!
What are your COVID procedures?
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are having to be flexible with the local hospitals and their guidelines.
Allison and Sara are following current guidance protocols outlined by local hospitals.
When should I contact you to arrange for you to encapsulate my placenta?
Whenever you would like! You can let me know the day you get pregnant all the way up to the day you deliver! The earlier the better, as it helps things run smoothly with the hospital and your doctor knowing your plans to have your placenta encapsulated. I come to both home and hospital births.
How does the whole process work?
We will do a prenatal meet and greet over the phone and go over any questions you have. After you decide which services you want, we will collect a $25 deposit from you. This will ensure that we have you booked and we will not accept any other placentas during that time.
We each only work with one placenta at a time, so there is never the risk of confusion.
We will also send over paperwork for you to fill out and go over the procedures so that you will know how to properly care for your placenta after giving birth. Once you deliver, we will come to your home or hospital to get your placenta and then do the rest! Your package will be delivered to your location within 48 hours.
Do you have payment plans?
Yes, you can do payment plans before you give birth, but not after. Full payment is expected before we can deliver your final product. We accept all major credit cards, cash, and checks if paid in full before delivery. If your placenta is deemed unusable, or you decide to not use my services, a full refund is given (minus the $25 deposit) if you paid in advance and I haven't picked up the placenta.
How should I notify you to come pick up the placenta?
If possible, please text or email us at the beginning of labor to let us know that the placenta will be ready soon. This will allow us to plan our schedule around picking up the placenta from your home or the hospital. Then, after you give birth, you can call or text to let us know that the placenta is ready to be picked up. We will get there within 12 hours. If the birth occurs between the hours of 8pm and 8am, simply place the placenta on ice in your cooler (if at a hospital, they can provide ice), send me a text, and I will come get it in the morning.
How do you do the encapsulation?
I use my own set of high quality equipment and I only encapsulate one placenta at a time to ensure the highest safety standards. The supplies used during the placenta encapsulation process are all stainless steel, food grade plastic, or disposable. Everything is thoroughly washed with soap and hot water and sanitized in a bleach solution. I follow the same guidelines for cleanliness and sanitation that are used in food service establishments and small laboratories. We both have completed a blood borne pathogens course through Biologix which is OSHA certified and specifically designed for placenta encapsulation specialists to ensure your placenta will be prepared in a safe and sanitary manner. I also got certified with APPA, which holds very strict guidelines for your safety and mine.
What if I have Group B Strep (GBS)?
If you test positive for Group Beta Strep (GBS), you can still encapsulate! Testing positive means colonization, it does not mean you have an infection. Most people who test positive prenatally do not become infected. If during labor or within 48 hours postpartum, you or your baby has an infection, your placenta would be considered infected and would not be safe to encapsulate.
Here's a great article for a more detail explanation about GBS and encapsulation.
When should I not consume my placenta?
When you are in labor, if you are diagnosed with a uterine infection, sepsis, or chorioamnionitis, your placenta would not be safe for consumption. If your baby becomes ill within 48 hours postpartum, your placenta will be considered infected and it is not safe for ingestion. Active Lyme disease can be a contraindication. If you are a smoker, encapsulation is not recommended, however it is up to you to determine if the risks outweigh the benefits. The presence of meconium is not an issue for encapsulation.
OK! I’m ready to hire you – what’s the next step?
Contact me! If you have any remaining questions, feel free to ask. We will talk on the phone, I will send you a contract, information form, and invoice for your $25 deposit payment, and then wait to hear that you have given birth!
Disclaimer: The information on this page and website has not been evaluated by the FDA. My placenta encapsulation services are not clinical, pharmaceutical, or intended to diagnose or treat any specific condition. If you choose the ingest your placenta in capsule or other form, you take full responsibility for your health and for researching and making use of the remedies provided.